Full Service Accounting & Tax Services

Sun Accounting and Tax Services is a full-service accounting and bookkeeping business with specialties in numerous industries.

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Services We Offer

Accounting & Bookkeeping

Is accounting and bookkeeping making your head spin? We can help. We’ve seen so many business owners who ...

Taxation Services

Tax is the three-letter word that makes most business owners break out in a cold sweat. At Sun Accounting...

Payroll Services

Is bookkeeping making your head spin? We can help. We’ve seen so many business owners who ...

Our Industry Experience

Trucking Industry

We offer experience, technical tax knowledge, and most importantly, an intimate understanding of the trucking industry.


Accounting differs from industry to industry. We have the necessary experience to handle your unique accounting needs.

Fleet Maintenance Shops

Our experience with the trucking industry extends to Fleet Maintenance shops and Sun Accounting & Tax Services are help to help shop owners

Franchise Owners

We have extensive knowledge of the franchise business and offer accurate and timely accounting solutions for franchises.

Run Your Business On The Go

About Us

We understand each business is unique and are prepared to find unique solutions to unique problems faced by each company. We are able to streamline the process to determine what works best to ensure efficiency.

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Accounting and Tax Services for People on the Go

Sun Accounting & Tax Services

The experience, the technical tax knowledge, and most importantly, an intimate understanding of multiple industries and their unique situations.

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Our Commitment to Our Clients

Why Choose Us ?

If you are looking for personalized accounting and tax services, we can help.

With Sun Accounting & Tax Services. you can make knowledgeable decisions based on timely, accurate data.

Let Sun Accounting and Tax Services help you achieve your business and personal financial goals.

We work together to provide timely advice to our clients.
Let's talk about getting Started Today

Having an accountant who understands the mechanics of your business can give you an edge. Sun Accounting and Tax Services believes you want more than just tax compliance services. We provide other essential business services, providing advice on cash flow management, finance and wealth creation and estate planning.


104 Leon Bell Dr
       Winnipeg, MB R3T 5W9